Proclamation in Recognition of Gramling's Inc., a Feed and Garden Store in the Community Since 1915 (Commissioner Bill Proctor)
Resolution Recognizing Supervisor of Elections Ion Sancho for the Outstanding, Effective Work of the Office in 2012 Election Operations (Commissioner Bill Proctor)
Proclamation in Celebration of “One Billion Rising” – a Global Movement to Bring Awareness of and Demand an End to Violence Against Women (Chairman Nick Maddox)
Recognition of Shelley Cason, Facilities Manager, in Honor of her Receiving the Inspiring Star Award, Top Individual Wellness Honor, at the Working Well CEO Breakfast
Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Bill Proctor, Gramling's Inc, Feed and Garden Store, Ion Sancho Supervisor of Elections, Mary Barley, Nick Maddox, One Billion Rising, Shelley Cason